As the summer heat intensifies, so does the need for proper hydration. Our bodies, composed of approximately 60% water, rely heavily on adequate fluid intake to function optimally. With soaring temperatures, the risk of dehydration increases, making it crucial to prioritize drinking enough water. The QUALITY of the water you drink matters, though! Here, we’ll explain the key reasons behind the heightened need for hydration during the summer. Then, we’ll talk about how clean drinking water from a home drinking water system can make all the difference.


4 Reasons Why Hydration is Critical During the Summer

Staying properly hydrated is essential for your health all year long, but during the hotter summer months, it’s especially important. These are the 4 key reasons why:


1.  Body temperature regulation: Did you know that water plays an important role in how well your body regulates its own temperature? As you’ve likely noticed, the hot summer weather makes you sweat more, whether you’re engaged in mild or extreme physical activity. The more you sweat, the more water you lose. If you don’t sufficiently replace the water you’ve lost, you will be at greater risk for heat-related illnesses such as heat stroke or exhaustion. That’s because significant water loss interferes with your body’s ability to regulate temperature.


2.  Maintain energy levels for daily activities: Summer often means more outdoor activities like hiking, swimming, and sports. Engaging in physical exercise in the heat leads to greater fluid loss through sweat. Staying hydrated helps maintain energy levels, enhances performance, and prevents fatigue and cramps.


3.  Supporting bodily functions: Sufficient water levels are required for the efficient and proper operation of many bodily functions. This includes things like digesting foods and circulating nutrients throughout the body. As you lose water through sweat, you must replenish this vital fluid to support your body’s systems and avoid the effects of dehydration.


4  Promoting skin health: Your skin is your body’s largest organ and your first line of defense against disease-causing intruders. During the summer, however, it’s common to spend time outside under the blazing hot sun. Dried skin and sunburn are well-known side effects. Staying hydrated can protect your skin, enhance your complexion, and help your skin stay resilient and healthy.


Clean Drinking Water: Your Key to SAFE Everyday Hydration

While medical professionals recommend drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day, quantity won’t matter if the quality isn’t there. That is, if you’re drinking plenty of water but it’s actually not SAFE to drink, you could be staying hydrated but hurting your health at the same time. That’s why CLEAN drinking water is essential.


How can you be SURE that the water you drink is safe? The easiest way is to use filtered water. Even if a water test reveals that your tap water is currently safe to drink, that doesn’t mean it will stay that way. Just take a look at the news. On any given day, you’re likely to find at least one article describing how drinking water got contaminated and posed a health risk somewhere in the world. We recommend taking drinking water safety into your own hands with a home drinking water system.


A Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System: Your Key to Clean Drinking Water at Home

Having a reliable drinking water system in your own home ensures you have access to safe, clean drinking water every single day. With an under-the-sink reverse osmosis (RO) filtration system, for example, you’ll get contaminant-free water right from the tap.


Here are some of the top reasons to use an RO system for clean drinking water:


  • Convenience – Get great-tasting water right from the tap without having to buy bottled water or use a filtered pitcher.


  • Cost savings – Since there’s no need to buy bottled water, you’ll save money in your grocery budget.


  • Environmental impact – Staying hydrated without using plastic water bottles cuts down on environmental waste, contributing to a healthier you and a healthier planet.


  • Enhanced water quality – Most reverse osmosis drinking water systems eliminate more than 95% of contaminants. That means you can drink up, knowing your water is safe and clean.


  • Healthy hydration habits – What happens when your water is easy to get, is safe to drink, and tastes great? Everyone drinks more of it! That means it’ll be easy for your family to build healthy hydration habits that can last a lifetime.


CalSoft Water Treatment Systems: Your Source for Clean Drinking Water This Summer and All Year Long

The key to staying hydrated is making sure you’re starting with the best water possible. At CalSoft Water, we believe that clean drinking water isn’t just a privilege – it’s your right!


Take control over your own drinking water’s safety today with a home drinking water system. Our RO systems work silently behind the scenes to bring you safe, great-tasting, and clean drinking water right from the tap. With the best water in town, you’ll find it easy and enjoyable to drink plenty of water daily, regardless of the season.


Contact us today to explore your options!

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