There are not many appliances out there that can save you money instantly, or pay for themselves in a short period of time. Water softener savings really add up over time, however.

Softened water has so many benefits, but one of the most attractive ones to consumers is the financial savings you’ll enjoy over time. Initially, many consumers tell us that investing in a home water softener seems like a bit of a luxury at first, and not quite a necessity. However, once they are aware of the benefits and potential savings, high quality water is seen as necessary and worth it. You, your family, and even your guests will appreciate all that a water softener has to offer.

Why consider a water softener at all?

Anyone who has hard water knows that it is extremely annoying. You spend more time doing chores, replacing water-using appliances, expending energy and using excess soaps and detergents. It may also aggravate skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis. But we also want people to know that it could be costing you upwards of hundreds of extra dollars each year (or more!).

Water softener savings add up over time!

With soft water, you could save money – hundreds or thousands of dollars over time.  Water softener savings include things like: Water softener savings

  • Less soaps and detergents (save up to $93/year), 
  • You won’t replace dull linens and clothes as frequently (keep up to $157 or more/year in your wallet), 
  • Fewer plumbing repairs and appliance replacements (save up to $90 or more/year), 
  • Use less cleaning products (savings of up to $420/year), and 
  • Improve water heater usage (save up to $100/year).

These are estimates, of course, and you may save more or less based on your individual situation and water demands. If your water treatment company evaluates your home’s water and finds higher levels of hardness, your potential savings could be even more!

You may also find savings with:

  • Preventing damage to your glassware,
  • Preventing clogged pipes in your home,
  • Increasing the lifespan of your home water-using appliances,
  • Preventing water leakage in your home, and
  • More home efficiency – lower utility bills thanks to a more-efficient water heater, for starters.

Speaking with one of our experts is a great place to start. We’ll test and evaluate your water. Then, we’ll help you choose the best water treatment product that combines efficiency, effectiveness and affordability. Water softener savings will be yours in no time, and you’ll have a customized plan for your home’s water needs and family’s demands.

Contact us to get started today!