by CalSoft of Santa Maria | Nov 21, 2023 | Blog
Water quality is a fundamental element of your household and it deserves more than a passing glance. Our comprehensive guide to water quality testing will help you get started and hopefully teach you how to assess your home’s needs. Together, we’ll talk about our...
by CalSoft of Santa Maria | Aug 26, 2022 | Blog
The Clean Water Act established national standards for regulating water pollution back in 1972. This law made it illegal for industrial factories and farms to divert their wastewater back into the surrounding rivers and streams. Although the Clean Water Act did...
by CalSoft of Santa Maria | Dec 5, 2016 | Blog
Is Your Clean Drinking Water Clean Enough? We are exposed to chemicals every single day; the shampoo we use in the morning shower, the Tylenol we take for a headache, the dishwasher detergent used to wash our dishes, the laundry detergent for the gazillion loads of...